Motivational Quotes

Motivational Quotes: A sentence that infuses new energy, new power and new vigor in you. due to which you move your life in the right direction and towards your goals very fast.

Motivation: Motivation is an arty by which managers promote productivity in their employees. Motivation is internal factors that stimulate desired energy in people to be continually interested and committed to a job, role or subject, or to make efforts to attain a goal.

Motivation is derived from "Motive" means idea, need emotion or organic state which promotes a man to action. A motive is an internal factor that integrates a man's behavior. As the motive is within the individual, it is necessary to study needs, emotions, etc. in order to motivate him to work. So, Motivation is a process of getting the need of the people realized with a view to induce them to work for the accomplishment of organizational objectives. Indeed, motivation is nothing but the action in an inducement.


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